Our services



Our skin is our most spectacular organ and protects us as an immune organ against the harmful influences of our environment.

dr. Anikó Fekete
dermatologist, cosmetologist, laser specialist
Consultation times: Thursday: 9:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.
dr. Marianna Maja Pál
dermatologist, cosmetologist, laser specialist
Consultation times: Monday: 8:00 a.m.-11:00 p.m.

In addition to the fact that our skin contributes to our social judgement, it plays an extraordinarily important role in maintaining our health, since it separates us as an immune organ from the environment and offers protection against harmful influences of our environment.

Some of the changes that can take place on our skin are easy to recognize, with those you should contact a doctor as soon as possible. Nevertheless, there are also skin diseases that do not lead to symptoms or are located in a hidden area and thus, are not recognized for a long time. Exactly for this reason, we think it is important to participate in regular check-ups. In addition to the health of our skin, dermatology also deals with diseases of the hair and the nails.

The first step of a dermatological examination is to take an anamnesis, the questioning of the patient not only about the symptoms but also about taken medication, the lifestyle and illnesses that occur in the family. After that the physical examination takes place which can be expanded to the whole body surface. If necessary, also a mole screening can take place which is performed with a special tool, the dermatoscope.

After that, a therapy plan is formulated and if necessary other examinations take place, e.g. histology, laboratory examination, consultation in the field of internal medicine.


Dermatological examination (30’) 24.000 HUF
Mole screening (30’) 28.800 HUF
Dermatological examination with mole screening (30’) 32.400 HUF
Dermatological examination with mole screening (45’) 36.000 HUF

Book an appointment

Vitalium Medical Centre: +36 83 501 140 or vitalium@europafit.hu

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